While the odds of a tornado striking are rare, businesses that have been hit, either directly or indirectly suffer significant damage. Is your business prepared?
‘We have four solid blocks of nothing’ after S.D. tornado – USA Today (on line edition), May 2015
Damage from Joplin, Mo., tornado: $2.8 billion – Associated Press, May 2012
It is important for all businesses and families to have a tornado plan in place. The most important element of this plan is the shelter. It has to be in a basement (preferably) or in a room with no windows and sturdy surroundings. Interior bathrooms are usually good. During tornado conditions, it is advisable to have portable water, dry food and a flashlight. This is in case the building collapses and you are trapped for several hours waiting for rescue.
During adverse weather conditions, listen to TV and news outlets. If a weather alert issues a warning or sirens go off, seek cover immediately. Do not go outside to film the tornado.