Making the Case for Cybersecurity

Adopting a generic approach while broaching the subject of cybersecurity features prominently in the modus operandi of most businesses.
Adopting a generic approach while broaching the subject of cybersecurity features prominently in the modus operandi of most businesses.
The seasonal spurt of environmental hazards has made modular architecture increasingly relevant for to restore residential, social and commercial installations.
One of the biggest challenges for the proponents of disaster recovery in an organization is to convince leadership and senior management teams on why they must invest in a DR capability. Putting together a DR team is a collective effort that can’t be done in silos. It requires a lot of planning, key inputs from […]
Many enterprises harbor the misconception that they can adequately respond to a disaster when in fact they lack the business resilience to do so. This operational deficiency was exposed during the imposition of the extended lockdown around the world owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, almost invariably accompanied by downturns in revenue. Numerous factors have surfaced […]
Although a category 4 hurricane when it crossed over to land from the sea, Hurricane Laura decreased in intensity to a category 2 storm as it moved inwards with air currents gathering a momentum of up to 150 mph, marking a trajectory from Louisiana to Arkansas. Many iconic buildings, for instance, parts of the roof […]