Over the years, IT Managers used a variety of strategies to ensure that they were able to recover data in the event of a disaster. Common methods of yesteryear and still prevalent today, are the use of disks, flash drives, tapes etc. Taking back-ups was a routine IT Departments nightly task. These back-ups had to be stored in fire proof cabinets on-site or at an off-site location. It was a cumbersome procedure by today’s standards. Additionally, when data restore was attempted, these methods had a high percentage of data corruption, thereby defeating the Disaster Recovery strategy.
When cloud computing hit the scene, it was expensive to use the cloud for backing up data. Only large corporations, with deep pockets, could afford such services. Over time, the equation changed because the field was crowded with new players. Prices plummeted and today a cheap, reliable and cost effective service is available to IT Managers.
Some of the advantages for Business Cloud Back Up are:
- Affordability – The current price of cloud services are a fraction of what it used to cost a couple of years ago. Today, even small businesses can afford the services of a cloud computing system. The added advantage is that the business needs to pay only for the services they use
- Scalability – The service requirement in the cloud can be scaled up rapidly. Due to a disaster, if there is a spike in data flow to the cloud, additional capacity can be created in an instant. The business may need additional services in a disaster scenario and this can be provided by the Cloud Service Provider as soon as it is requested. The business does not need to keep such services as stand-by, but only on a ‘pay as you use’ basis
- Efficiency – Backing up data is simple and can be configured into the system. Data can be backed up in real-time or at periodic intervals as dictated by business needs. Recovery and restore functions are also very easy to do in the cloud. When you use mediums such as tape, disk etc. for back-up, as data is being restored, the chances of corruption of data are significant compared to the cloud solution, where the success rate is almost 100%
- Virtual Desktop – If a disaster strikes and the production center is totally damaged, then the cloud will provide a virtual desktop. After authentication, it can be used to put the BCDR plan into action
- Accessibility – One of the main advantages of using a Business Cloud Back Up is the fact that the cloud is accessible from anywhere. All it requires is a smart phone, PC or any internet connected device and you can access the backed-up data in the cloud
- Duplicate hardware, production site etc. obsolete – When using the cloud for Business Cloud Back Up, older methods like maintaining duplicate hardware, off-site production center etc. is superfluous. Backed up data can be accessed directly from the cloud and production restarted. This represents tremendous cost savings to any business
- Security – Cloud Service Providers are generally able to provide much better security for data protection than most businesses. They use the latest encryption technology and coupled with a two stage authentication process, create a formidable barrier to unauthorized access
Once due diligence is done and the credentials of the Cloud Service Provider are certified, the Business Cloud Back Up is the best method available in the market for backing up and storing data. It is a safe, secure and cost effective method for a business’ DR and Business Continuity needs.
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