Communicable diseases are spreading. Is your Business prepared?
Recently, the Ebola virus was making headlines globally. During past outbreaks, the virus was confined to some African nations. However, it has spread with cases being reported in the USA and Europe. This has highlighted the need to be prepared.
If employees travel (especially overseas), it is possible that they could be infected. How should a business respond? Are there clear guidelines and travel policies. If the answer is NO, then a business is vulnerable. This template allows you to develop a comprehensive DR plan.
Cyber crime is on the rise. Have you protected your business?
Every business needs a plan for breaches in security that result in compromised data, As events witness, even a large retailer (Target Corp) is not immune. Over 40 million customer credit card information was stolen.
If you do not have the resources of a large company, then what should you do? Do you have a plan? If not you are vulnerable. A plan will force you to review what is in place and actions that have to be taken in case of a breach.
A Disaster recovery plan is essential. Do not postpone it.
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