Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Consulting
Stay In Business provides a range of DR services. It offers a one-stop solution for businesses to formulate their BCDR plans in a cost-effective and timely manner. Since the plans are easily adaptable to any business, integrating these plans are pain free and can be done in a short span of time. Stay In Business can assist in testing the efficacy of the plans by offering guidance and backup support.
Some of the services offered by SIB are:
- Disaster recovery and business continuity consulting
- Analyzing current plans and offering advice on improvements
- Developing new plans to suit the businesses BCDR needs
- Testing & improvizing business continuity plan
- Updating plans & organizational information on SIB platform
Many customers do not have resources of in-house expertise to develop fully fledged BCDR plans. Oftentimes, plans are cobbled together and when in disaster mode they do not live up to expectations.
SIB expert consultants can ease the worry out of developing Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plans. Their unique methodologies ensure plans developed or modified meet customer expectations down to the smallest details.
Stay In Business is an ideal one-stop solution for any company’s business continuity plans. Since they have an array of experts, they can advise a wide range of business interests.
Use Stay in Business and experience the following
- Experts to guide you through the BCDR planning process from the beginning to the end. They don’t rest till you are satisfied
- SIB assists in seamless implementation of plans
- Consulting – we share our expertise and real world knowledge with you
- SIB’s cloud Disaster Recovery (DR) platform allows you to manage DR teams, vendors, task, business functions, assets, and store important data for easy retrieval during disasters.
- Inbuilt communications system alerts key DR teams during disasters and also keeps employees and customers informed about the disaster.
- Dynamically manage BCDR plans – you do not have to worry about keeping it up to date
- Cost effective
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