Heavy Rain and Flash Floods Lash Many Parts of the US

While California is in the midst of a prolonged drought, other parts of the US such as Texas and Oklahoma are reeling from heavy downpours and flooding. Many dams have been breached or opened wide by authorities to reduce the risk of dam failure. The result is washed away or flooded homes, ruined businesses coupled with injury or loss of life. It will take a long time for communities to recover.
Many images point to the fact that people not only were caught unaware of the deluge, but did not know how to respond. Drivers trying to go through flooded streets realized too late that they are in danger of being swept away. Rescue teams had their hands full plucking people out of danger. Prudence and care is essential to ensure people do not find themselves in dangerous situations (http://www.wbaltv.com/weather/tips-how-to-stay-safe-during-flash-flooding/20468814).
Several businesses have been forced to shut down during this time. While time will tell if businesses survive, planning for such situations is critical in order to tilt the balance in favor of recovery. While it may be too late for some businesses to start planning now, others not in the direct path of destruction have a window of opportunity. Some elements to consider (see www.disasterrecovery.org)
• Safe evacuation of employees and customers
• Protecting physical assets
• Protecting data and backups
• Informing key suppliers and customers
• Informing employees what steps the company is taking and their roles
• Communications
• Coordinating with local authorities
• Alternate temporary offices
• Insurance
• Post event clean-up
• Normal operations
Your plan should consider the above and other aspects that may be unique to your business. A top down plan is usually not the best. Involve frontline employees and take their input seriously. Incorporate all good ideas. Once planning is completed, ensure everyone is aware and buys into the plan. It is prudent to execute the plan in test mode to ensure all elements fit and work harmoniously. Tweak the plan to optimize it.
Categories: DR Plans, Natural Disasters