Himalayan Earth Quake

Nepal was recently struck by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake. Rescue efforts are still underway with the death count passing the 2500 mark. It is expected to climb much higher when search and rescue teams get to more remote areas.
Most calamities are difficult to predict and in the case of earthquakes there are no warnings. This makes it very difficult to get to an earthquake proof location. Most first world countries have strengthened building codes. These have improved the resistance to damage from earthquakes. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to engineer structures to fully withstand earthquakes that are greater than 8 on the Richter scale.
Given this backdrop all business that are located in earthquake prone areas should have disaster plans in place. If the building in which the business is located is damaged, in all probability, emergency services will bar entry. Thus, if the business has no plan in place, it will have to scramble to resume operations and most probably this will have to be in a remote location.
Prevention is better than cure. But if prevention is impossible (as this situation is) it makes sense to have planned for it. Questions that should have been asked and answered while developing a plan are:
- How do we keep employees safe?
- How do we ensure that all employees know what to do in such circumstances?
- If the business is not able to operate in the current location, where should we locate an alternate site?
- What is required to start up a new office – desks and chairs, computers, phones, connectivity, etc.?
- Who will oversee the recovery operation and what are the key elements that should have the initial focus?
This is a partial list. It is an exercise that is best done prior to disasters and with the involvement of all employees. Formation of DR teams for various aspects of recovery should be done at this time.
Document based DR plans are problematic in such a scenario. If copies of the plan are in the building, then access will be impossible making the plant irrelevant. However, a hosted plan such as that offered by this site, Stay In Business, is a far superior alternative. Since it is hosted, the plan is accessible from any location. Thus all DR team members have accesses.
Prior planning is essential. Take the time and spend the money. It is well worth it.
Categories: Natural Disasters