In the headlong rush into modernity, we humans have forgotten the joys of simplicity. By living a simple life, we experience freedom and joy and look forward to what the next day brings. It is time to introspect and see what parts of our lifestyle requires modification to achieve the goal of simplicity.
Your possessions should not be the ‘be all and end all’ of your life. You may feel that greater possessions give you a greater degree of comfort, but this is far from the truth. Each possession we acquire, in excess of simple requirements, is a stepping stone in wanting more things. Needless possessions not only drain our energy and divert our attention, it also drains our bank account. Assess all your possessions dispassionately and see what you can remove from your life as non-essential. You will be surprised at the amount of “junk” you can discard.
“But I don’t have time!”
Yes, you do, but you spend so much time and energy to manage your hectic day to day activity. Take a second look and you will see that many time commitments of your life are not really essential. Let them go. It will be a load off your back.
“I have lots of goals to achieve!”
Instead of having a multiplicity of goals to achieve in life, reduce the number to one or two of the most important ones and by doing so, you will improve your focus and succeed in achieving them. List out your current goals and cross out those that are not really important. Choose the two which are the most important and let the others go without any regret. You can always add more later once you achieve your initial goal.
Negative emotions – a drag on happiness
Having negative thoughts is a sure-fire way to an unhappy life. When negative emotions such as hate, bitterness, jealousy take larger than life dimensions, the quality of life takes a nose dive. Take charge of your mind – learn to forgive and forget and recharge your mind with positive thoughts. Count your blessings instead of cursing your shortcomings. Call a friend you have not spoken to in a while. Forgive someone for what they have done. Try it and the world starts looking brighter and more colorful.
Debt burden
Are you struggling under a mountain of debt and this is causing you anxiety? Pay attention to reducing it. Do whatever it takes to reduce the debt. Seek help if needed. Sacrifice any luxuries you are indulging in and use the savings to reduce debt this will help you enjoy freedom tomorrow.
Be careful how you speak
Speak less and learn to communicate effectively using lesser words. Be sincere when you speak by being plain and honest. Delete gossip from your life. Learn to listen to others and empathize with those less fortunate than yourself.
Eat natural foods
Eat more natural, healthy foods. Avoid trans-fat, white bread, sugary and salty foods. This will help you boost your energy levels as well as put you on the path to a healthy life-style. Use medication only when absolutely essential. Let your body self-heal. Exercise regularly. Take long walks and learn to enjoy nature. This will help you develop a positive mind-set.
Use less technology
Do not let your TV, movies, video games, smart phones etc. rule your life. They have a negative effect on you when overused. Turn them off as much as possible and learn to relax and become aware of your surroundings. You will start to realize the joys of family and friends, instead of just plunking in front of a TV.
Make time to be with yourself
Having warm relationships with others is essential, but it need not be the focus of your life. Learn to disconnect yourself from your smart phone, Facebook, Social Media etc. Learn to focus on what is important and not urgent. Let not your friends distract you from important things. Take time to focus on yourself and your inner voice.
Stop Multitasking
Multitasking is a certain stress inducer. In the old days single-tasking was the norm and it is a lost art today. Instead of multitasking, do one thing at a time, do it well and then move onto the next instead of juggling many tasks.
Simplifying your life is not as difficult as you imagine. Start today and you will see the difference in a short time.
Categories: Living